
What are Web APIs

date_range 17/06/2020 20:00

API or web API is a concept and not a technology. Web API as the name suggests, is an form of API over the web which can be accessed using HTTP protocol.

How to provide loader on each $httpProvider request

date_range 10/10/2015 20:00

To implement this first we have to know about angular’s $broadcast.
Here is the syntax:

How to run angular application

date_range 28/09/2015 07:00

To run an angular application make sure that you have bower, gulp and npm installed globally.

Ionic cheatsheet

date_range 18/09/2015 06:45

  1. How to hide back button from a view.To hide ionic back button on desired page use following code inside ion-view tag.
<ion-view hide-back-button="true">

Ionic slider in full screen

date_range 12/09/2015 05:19

How to use ionic slider to give intro of your application in full screen in your ionic app.

Step 1: Create ionic slider using the following code on your home screen